JD Edwards Project Management Services

Project Management and Systems Integration are the cornerstones of our business, and we have built our reputation on excellence of delivery and value for money. Over the course of managing numerous J.D. Edwards projects around the world, Mitchell & Associates has developed substantial Project Management expertise.

We define Project Management as the ability to visualize an optimum result, and then support it through the definition, planning, control and execution of an interdependent set of tasks to achieve an agreed goal.

Mitchell & Associates management solutions group works with senior-level executives to improve the operational effectiveness of their business units. To achieve this primary objective, we employ a well thought out methodology: assess, plan, implement, and evaluate. Projects are often broken down into phases. Once we have evaluated the success of the changes implemented, the cycle starts once again with the next phase of the project.

Our professional management consultants are experts in strategic planning, process workflow analysis, re-engineering, and project organization. The group is composed of consulting professionals with business management backgrounds and extensive experience in organizational, process-oriented, and technological areas. Recognizing that the best answers are often collaborative ones, we frequently team up with members of the technology groups to offer comprehensive business solutions A skilled and informed workforce guarantees that technology is used to its fullest advantage.
We can help you make wise business decisions and adopt appropriate strategies for future growth and profitability.

At Mitchell & Associates we believe that a well managed project cannot fail!

To send feedback, suggestions or to request information on JD Edwards software and services contact: info@maa-imcs.com
371 Hoes Lane, Suite 200, Piscataway, NJ USA | Tel: +1 (732) 699-0020 | Fax: +1 (732) 699-0021