Digital Transformation Needs Strong Leadership


Organizational leaders are required to step up and drive the way forward in regards to digital transformation.

Increasingly the guidance for almost any business that desires to become more successful is that it should strive to develop into business that is digital. A digital company is one that adopts new technology, such as mobility, cloud, big data and social media marketing, to act more agile and to gain greater insights from the data and information they possess.

They will be able to do business faster, be more efficient and utilize digital partners to expand and boost their supply chain and customer base. Yet, for a organization to become a digital business, it doesn't just happen. There must be leadership and a clear plan for the subordinates to implement. Otherwise, the organization will simply wind up having a mess of technologies that don’t work very well together, and workers that do not understand how to utilizing what was implemented.

Focus On The Future Of Digital Transformation

Whatever the role, be it Vice President of IT, Chief Information Officer, Director of IT or business transformation leader, this person must know exactly how the organization currently uses its data, exactly how those processes may be improved and just what technologies the organization may take advantage of to become more competitive.

They must be able to explain this to other executives within the organization to get them involved and connected. Additionally, they must be able to explain exactly what the advantages are to the organization, to avoid individuals becoming concerned about their jobs or future growth within the organization.

With this in mind, transformation to a digital organization can be gradually progressive and take a couple of years, as small and large organizations alike migrate their existing systems towards the cloud, while providing workers with mobile devices to accelerate data collection and connect to other digital services to boost the way the organization runs.

From document management to general accounting, to sales and shipping and receiving, from production to stock control, there are digital solutions for each and every department that will make them more efficient and link the information streams together to help the organization run more effectively and plan to become more efficient future, but without a good leader, most of these ideas might be useless. Call us today for suggestions about how you can provide the best transition road map to a more digitally transform your organization.

Dwight Mitchell, PMP, OCP, OCS is the President and Chief Technology Advisor of Mitchell & Associates, a leading service provider of J.D. Edwards Cloud, On-Premise, Infrastructure and Management Consulting services. They are also a Platinum Level Partner in the Oracle Partner Network.

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